Wednesday, April 22, 2015


For those who don't know what my fancy, fang dangled abbreviations are - NIAW = National Infertility Awareness Week. 

This year's theme is You are Not Alone. Genius.
It's crazy, really. Everyone knows someone who is or has been in this boat - Infertility impacts 1 in 8 couples of reproductive age. So, think about your friends, aunts, uncles, co-workers - you know more than 8 couples, right? At least one of them is impacted by this!

We are 1 in 8.

I find so much inspiration reading and listening to others' stories; the successes and failures. 

This is a great week to search blogs, read twitter and join a community because, as the theme states, you are not alone. We are not alone. Listen. Read. Speak up!

My favorite resource: Resolve

want more information on our story? click on the PCOS, Loss & Infertility tab at the top of the page. want even more? drop me a line!

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