Wednesday, October 8, 2014

September 2014

Woah - I am overdue on my monthly recap. I just can't believe that September is gone. We are in the heart of fall now - the best time of the year (followed by the other best time of the year ;)).

In September we relaxed up north, saw an amazing concert, had the first big post on MadasCozyGifts, celebrated friends' birthdays, engagements & exciting baby news, cheered on the Johnnies, Vikings, Gophers & Irish and enjoyed the fall. Here is our month in photos. enjoy.

IMG_0229 IMG_0236 IMG_0269
selfies with some pretty cool dudes. 

IMG_0298 IMG_0302the head & the heart

andrea joy mee & myself pre-gamming for john/tom.

my favorite person & i


Oh, and go ahead and click SHOP at the top of my page. Add a scarf or two to your shopping bag. Or, heck.. request something custom! Enter LOVEFALL as a coupon code at checkout and recieve 15% off. The greatest season of all is right around the corner. Stock up now!

Make it a good one, kids.

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