my pops & i
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Friday, November 16, 2012
five things friday: 11/16
Friday, finally.
First Friday in a long time that there isn't football on the docket for tonight. It will be a little strange to not be happy hour-ing, bundling up and heading to Laker Field. I asked Parker last night, 'would you give your left nut to play another season on High School Football?'. The answer: 'hell yeah'.
Anyways.. here are my five things!
ONE: I made our list and am checking it twice. I can't believe I am going to start Christmas shopping this weekend. It's November 16 - only 38 days until Christmas Eve.
TWO: I am busy planning my BFFs baby shower, November 30. I can't believe the shower is almost here and the baby.
I can't wait to snuggle that little muffin. Her Aunt Amanda is going to spoil her sweet (not rotten - because she won't be). I have already altered my drive home starting mid-February to take a detour through Apple Valley!
THREE: My brain isn't working today... Good thing it is Friday because I wouldn't make it through another work day.
FOUR & FIVE: Notre Dame Football vs. Wake Forest this weekend. Even if the Irish win out they most likely will not be in the National Championship game. Undefeated and competing for third place. The hope right now is that K-State and/or Oregon lose one of their two remaining games.
have a great weekend, all.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
My lovely co-worker Allison and I have too many of the same clothes, scarves and taste in everything! So, naturally when she showed me this iphone case, I had to have it too! It has convenient little card holders for credit cards/id and the color is so rich and beautiful. must. have!
This adorable little ring from Madewell (which is opening at Southdale this week!)
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
my christmas list
1- The Madewell Transport Tote. The ruggedly cool carryall is softly worn leather. Now I need to decide if I want to go with the black or english saddle. Decisions. Decisions.
i'm a bit behind...
The Lakers made it to State for the second straight year to play the conference rival Lakeville North. It didn't end the way the town of PL would have hoped but it was a wildly successful season and one that a lot of folks didn't see coming. I am beyond proud of little Parker and his accomplishments on and off the football field.
the laker captains doing the coin toss before the start of the game at the dome.
Parker Anderson on the tackle.
The election is OVER. While I am the first to say that I am a political junkie. Absolute junkie. I am thrilled that I don't need to see the mud-slinging advertisements anymore. I am happy that we re-elected our President but I am even more thrilled that Minnesotans shot down two constitutional amendments.
The first was the marriage amendment. I think we're going to look back twenty years from now and realize that we were about to put something in our Constitution that would really hurt and segregate a population of our state. The same thing that we did to blacks just a few short decades ago.
Now it is time for Congress to get their act together and make some adjustments and changes to ensure that we don't lose all the progress we've made.
I have tons more I can blog about.. Christmas lists, great Thanksgiving recipes, my BIRTHDAY.
xo- Amanda
Friday, November 2, 2012
five things friday
here are my five musings for this first friday in november:
ONE: I have already started making my Birthday & Christmas lists for this year. Call me crazy. I recently added a beautiful brown saddle tote from Madewell. It's too expensive and I probably won't get it - but, a girl can dream right? If you would like the link, I would be happy to pass it along :)
TWO: Phil and I are not TTCing (Trying to conceive) until the New Year. We found out this week that the doctor wants us to wait a big longer until we give it the ol' college try again. This just means that I will be enjoying lots of wine during the Holiday season. And when I say lots - I mean lots.
THREE: Related to #2, I was a little upset that we having to wait to TTC again but not as much as I thought I would be. This just gives us a chance to get our ducks in a row... that, and drink lots of wine!
FOUR: Phil is hunting this weekend. Don't get me wrong, I will miss my husband but I love sleeping in the middle of the bed, watching trashy television and leaving my shoes wherever I take them off. It's the little things. I also despise hunting, especially for deer. I secretly (well not so much, I guess) hope he doesn't get one.
FIVE: Tonight the Prior Lake Lakers play their last game at Laker Field. The last time 'little' Parker will have a football home game in High School. I can't believe it. Time has gone by so fast.
The Lakers play Woodbury and when/if we win, we're on the Dome for the second straight year. What a career for little brother. Fingers crossed for a 'W'.
pictures from last fridays victory:
Two bonus things: The election is on Tuesday. VOTE!! And the ND Fighting Irish play on Saturday and neeed another W. Whoo!
Have a great weekend, everyone.