I love my mom, all my grandmas, my mother-in-law, my godmother and all the mothers in my life. I look up to and admire my friends that are mothers. I am thankful for all of them and all the women in my life. But, this day is so. hard.
Amid the celebrations of all things maternal, I'm forced to have skin so much thicker than I ever imagined I would (i am kind of a wimp). Scrolling through Instagram is like punch after punch in the gut. The day is a reminder of something that comes so easy to others and is (seemingly) impossible for us.
To add a little more sting to this day, if our last medicated cycle had gone as planned, we would have tested today - positive or negative - wouldn't that have been a great way to celebrate the day? A positive! Now, don't get me wrong, I am thrilled that my doctors don't move ahead with procedures unless the circumstances are just right on, but, still.
All this 'woe is me' is not my style. I want to honor all moms:
moms with little ones,
those who have lost their moms,
those who long to be mothers,
soon-to-be moms
and those who are mothers despite the absence of children (aka dogs moms :)).
moms with little ones,
those who have lost their moms,
those who long to be mothers,
soon-to-be moms
and those who are mothers despite the absence of children (aka dogs moms :)).
Cheers to the moms out there. All moms. Moms in every shape and form. Have a glass of wine, kick up your feet, this day's for you and you've earned it.