Hey, Folks. Welcome to the new and improved blog. I've done some tweaking, re-work and even changed the domain! We're starting 2015 with a fresh, new face... and a puppy!
Everyone - meet Charlie. Our little lab mix.
She's our pup-child and we're in loooove. Let me give you a little background on how this little darling of a pup came into our lives. On a chilly December afternoon, Phil and I went to the Golden Valley Humane Society to look at some dogs only to find a line. I was shocked! A line to get into the Humane Society at 11am on a Wednesday? Please. We briskly walked towards the dog kennel and found 'Zang' - a tiny pup who stretched off her bed and sat so pretty for us. Safe to say that she won us over immediately. Phil wanted to walk around and look at other dogs but I couldn't leave this little beauty to be snatched up by someone else. So I held my ground and Phil made a lap!
We got to play with her, signed some papers and we had ourselves a dog!
Fast forward to Saturday and we were ready to pick her up! We ran some errands - grabbed some bloodys and were off to the Humane Society. I will never forget when she came upstairs with the vet tech; leaping in circles. She put a smile on everyones faces!
The first night at home was a little rough, but good thing she had Phil to sleep next to her crate and even on the couch with her. Spoiled from day one!
Over the past 11 days we've watched her grow - literally, she was wayy too skinny when we brought her home AND mentally! She sits, lays down and is patient when we're filling her food dishes (if you know how labs eat, you know this is an accomplishment!)
What else did we do in 2014 you may ask? Well, we hung out at our cabins. Phil traveled. Celebrated freinds' baby news, engagements & weddings. Drank adult beverages. Celebrated 5 years of wedded bliss. Cheered on Johnnie football. Made plans for the future. Caught fish. PET A DEER!. Took Selfies.
Happy, happy New Year to you and yours. Make it a good one folks.