The transgendered community has to be protected. I just don’t have any tolerance for that sort of intolerance. And I think we need to legislate aggressively to protect them.
Barack Obama (via andythenerd)
The transgendered community has to be protected. I just don’t have any tolerance for that sort of intolerance. And I think we need to legislate aggressively to protect them.
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“This is the long-form (birth certificate, left) they released today. It is actually shorter than the short-form. …We demand a foot-long form! It only costs five dollars!”— STEPHEN COLBERT, The Colbert Report
Start copying [what] you love. Copy copy copy copy. At the end of [the] copy you will find your self.
- YES polling indicates majority support for gay marriage
In 1988, 10% of Americans supported equal marriage rights. Now, after twenty-three years of rather intense political struggles, proponents of gay rights can plausibly claim a mandate. Polling over the last eight months strongly…
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